Interpersonal Communication Questions and Answers
Improve Communication At Work and At Home
Communication may be one of the essential life skills, since it's clearly related to success with family, friends and success in the workplace. If you look at successful people, you'll almost always find they have the ability to communicate with others, either one-to-one or in groups, far more effectively than less successful people.
We've developed the Communication Improvement Center as a free resource to help you both understand human communication, and improve your skills and abilities. The range of covered subjects is large, and includes: listening, non-verbal communication, cross-cultural communication, conflict and communication and a lot more. Enjoy.
General Answers and Communication Issues
- Why is most communication training misleading?
- Why do the same words mean different things to different people?
- What is cooperative communication?
- What is confrontational communication?
- What is the "less is more" principle of effective communication?
- What is Miller's Law and what is it for?
- What is a "presupposition" and why is it important in communication?
- What's the biggest myth/misconception about communication? - Verbal, Nonverbal, Meharabian, Mehrabian
- What's the next common myth about communication - verbal and nonverbal communication?
- How can understanding different types of conversations make me a better communicator?
- Why is it important that all parties in communication have the "same type of conversation?
- What is the difference between advocacy communication and inquiry communication?
- What is The Abilene Paradox?
- What is the difference (and importance) of task oriented communication and relationship oriented communication?
- Is it possible to NOT communicate?
Different Media - Different Communication: Face to face, email, telephone and written (paper)
- What are communication channels and why are they important?
- Should I intentionally communicate differently depending on the medium? Why?
- Why and how is email communication different from any other medium? And some communication theory to boot.
- Why Is email more prone to creating unnecessary conflict?
- Can you provide practical tips and suggestions to improve email communication?
Free Communication Videos
Pleased to introduce you to some of our free to view and USE videos on communication. It's fine to share these, or even use them in training.
Can You Tell If Someone Is Lying - Free Video?
Learn some of the realities of detecting deception, and learn what good and bad faith conversations, are, and how to determine if someone is operating with a hidden agenda and doesn't care about YOUR feelings and success. The video is based on our Learnbytes Helpcard entitled: "What You Need To Know About Conversational Cons", which explains what's in the video, and important communication concepts about deception and lying.