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Challenge yourself and learn about destructive communication with this unique free puzzle.

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Special Help: Learn To Communicate With Even The Most Upset People and Customers

Don't let difficult, angry customers control you. Learn to take control, stay cool, and remain professional in the toughest situations

Reviewer Praise From Amazon Readers

Bacal nails it! While more are messing with the entanglements of Customer Satisfaction which leads to no where...he addresses the specifics head on and focuses on the greater picture and ultimate goal of the Customer Experience which leads to Loyalty. Excellent job! (Macy in Oklahoma, 2013)
Five Stars on Amazon

One of the best things I learned from this book is how to turn a negative experience into a positive one. Using the tools from this gem of a book I have calmed people down, turned bad situations into good, and kept customers who would have otherwise left us and written ten nasty reviews in their wake. It is so empowering to be able to do that, rather than feel awful and abused. This is a must buy, must read for people who work with customers day in and day out. Do it for your own sanity, and to help improve your own job performance and satisfaction! (E. Meehan, California, 2012)
A five star review

Anyone who serves the public should have this book. It gives advice for everyone from the order taker at the fast food restaurant to higher level management. It also gives different techniques for different situations (ie retail store, office, call center etc.) I have only had this book for a few weeks and already I have improved my customer service skills. It's a wonderful tool.  (Lisa S. NJ)
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Words don't mean the same thing to different people

What is assumption of common meaning and why is it a problem?

Some people believe that words mean the same thing for different people. After all, don't we have dictionaries so that people can have the same understanding of a word? This is a major problem in communication -- not realizing that language, any specific word, can have a different meaning for one person compared to another.

Here's an example. You are talking to someone who is considering buying a pet. For you the word "dog" has very positive meaning, since you had dogs all through childhood. So, you suggest to the person that he might buy a dog for companionship.

But does the word "dog" mean the same thing for the other person? That person may have been bitten by a large dog, when he was a child, and has developed a terror reaction to most dogs. For him, the meaning of the word "dog" (it's connotative meaning) is completely different from yours. If you are oblivious to the idea that words carry different emotional meanings, you and the other person can never learn to understand each other.

Even with seemingly straightforward word definitions, things aren't simple and we can't assume that when one person uses the word "liberal", for example, that they mean the same things as you might mean. For him, a liberal might mean a cowardly, crime coddling and socialistic thinking person, while for you, it might mean someone who believes that we should help those less fortunate.

The more heated and emotionallly loaded the words we are using, the more important it is to first try to understand what the other person means from the words he or she uses. Many arguments and conflicts can be prevented by trying to understand first, then "argue".


About Company

Bacal & Associates was founded in 1992. Since then Robert has trained thousands of employees to deal with angry, hostile, abusive and potentially violent customers. He has authored over 20 books on various subjects, many published by McGraw-Hill.


Robert Bacal

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Building Bridges Between Home And School For Educators
Just for teachers, administrators and school staff

Angry Customer Guides and Defusing Techniques
Hundreds of tips and techniques for dealing with nasty people.

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  • Our role is to make you self-sufficient and self-sustaining.
  • Fees should be reasonable, fair, and flexible to fit different budgets.
  • The only way to further success is to challenge the existing "wisdom" through critical thinking and basing our services and books on a complex reality.

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    (613) 764-0241
  • Email: ceo@work911.com
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  • Casselman
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