Leadership Development Resource Center
Explore The Mysteries Of Leadership and Leader Effectiveness
We're all fascinated about how leadership works, and doesn't work. It doesn't matter if you are a formal leader, a "follower", or an informal leader, and it doesn't matter whether you are interested in leaders in companies (e.g. CEO's) or in the community. Leading and leadership effectiveness are woven into your every day life. Leading isn't something only politicians do (or don't). It's embedded in the human psyche.
...But We Know So Little About Leading
Despite hundreds of years of human fascination and research, we still know little about how leadership works. Debates continue on whether various historical figures were good leaders or poor, because criteria are all over the place. We have models and theories in the hundreds, yet, it's still all a mystery.
...and perhaps leadership is one of those things that is best left in mystery. Who knows? Still, we have do do our best in trying to develop effective leaders in society, and in our organizations.
The Leadership Development Resource Center was created to help current and prospective leaders in businesses, government and not-for-profit enterprises, to develop and build their leadership skills to enhance the abilities of the organizations they lead to achieve their goals. The material on these pages will also help organizations in building a cadre of effective leaders to improve the work climate for employees, and in turn improve productivity and morale.
One Thing To Remember As You Explore This Site
If there's one thing you need to understand about leading it's this:
There is no magic formula or being a good leader. There is no "best" way to think about leadership. All you can do is learn as many ways of thinking about leadership as you can, and choose what fits best for the particular situation you are in.