Top : Career Planning
Career Planning
Career planning is the process of intentionally setting career goals and determining how best to follow them. You can let your career be in the control of others, or you can take control via career planning. Find out how.
Hate Work?�
By Neil Fiore:
Suggestions about how to jump start yourself by looking at your inner dialogue. Practical career development ideas include: Map out a strategic plan for leaving your job at a time that best serves you. Consider how much time you need to scale back expenses, pay off debts and update your resume. Pick a specific date, say six to twelve months from today, that's convenient to you financially and career-wise - a date when you can leave this job with a good recommendation.
Why You Should Have A Mentor
By Dawn Rosenberg McKay:
Having a mentor can help your career growth. See what kind of a mentor is best for you. Also, learn how to acquire a mentor.
Working with a Business Mentor
By Scott Allen:
A mentor will become not only your advisor, but your friend and confidante. That doesn't happen instantly--building trust and personal interest takes time. You set the tone at the outset of the relationship by demonstrating your commitment to the process.
Choosing a Business Mentor (and Getting Them to Choose You)
By Scott Allen:
In part one of this series, we took a look at the value of a business mentor and why every entrepreneur should have one. Now that you've decided you want a business mentor and understand the value of having one, how do you go about finding the right one?
Five Things Not to Do When You Leave Your Job
By Dawn Rosenberg McKay:
There are certain things you should not do when you leave your current job. It is surprising what action you take today can have an impact on your career in the future. Learn how to make a classy exit that will keep your career on the right track.
The Value of a Business Mentor
By Scott Allen:
Your friends and family, the Web, periodicals, and even casual acquaintances can provide you with a steady daily flow of information regarding news, industry developments, and opportunities. Industry analysts, consultants, employees, and good networking contacts can share their expert knowledge with you regarding particular situations and needs you may encounter. But only a mentor can truly share wisdom with you on an ongoing basis.
By Ann Baehr:
In this article, Ann Baehr, Certified Professional Resume Writer and President of Best Resumes of New York, offers valuable tips on how to start your career after graduation.
Career Plans Are Dangerous
By Leonard A. Schlesinger:
"Where do you see yourself in five years?"
Despite the tendency to slip in some of the questions Google asks when interviewing people (such as, what is the next number in this sequence: 10, 9, 60, 90, 70, 66..?), this remains a fairly popular question when you are looking a job.
It's usually an extremely silly question (although you are not supposed to say that in your response.)
Taking A Salary Cut To Change Careers
By Nick Corcodilos:
"You have to take a salary cut, but it will pay off in the long run."
Have you ever heard that before? Do you believe it? Taking a salary cut to change careers may seem a very undesirable proposition. It's similar to climbing a tree only to find the branch you're navigating is rotten. You have no real choice but to move down before you can start back up the tree in a better direction.
Career Development - The Rigth Way To Get Coached
By Nick Corcodilos:
Having spent many years working as a headhunter, nowadays I am often retained by companies not to fill jobs, but to provide advice. They hire me to be their coach.
Sometimes a company needs a headhunter's perspective to develop more effective hiring strategies and practices. Other clients want me to train their internal recruiters to work more like headhunters. I also teach managers how to select and interview candidates more effectively. I particularly enjoy coaching employees who are being groomed for better jobs within their own companies.
Career Development - Personal Career Management and Planning
By Robert H. Rouda & Mitchell E. Kusy, Jr.:
There is an increasing need for individuals to take charge of the development of their own learning and careers for a variety of reasons: There is increasing rate of change of our organizations and in the knowledge and skills we need to perform our jobs. Career ladders are rapidly shrinking or disappearing as reorganizations lead to flatter structures. There is an ever-increasing need for us to keep learning to keep up with the rapid growth in knowledge and the rate of change of our workplace environments. And, involvement in one's own development fosters greater commitment to the process than other-directed activities.
Day One Management
By NA:
A plan for managers just beginning their careers; what to do and what to say on your first day.
10 Tips for Advancing Your Career
By Bonnie Lowe:
10 ways to boost your chances of getting that nice promotion!
Transitioning From Military To Civilian Careers
By Calvin Bruce & Jerry Bishop:
Finding a comfortable niche in the corporate arena often requires making significant mental and attitude adjustments.
How difficult is it to transition from military service to civilian employment? Someone separating after 4-6 years will probably answer that differently than a person retiring after 20 years of service.
By Nina Ham:
Judging by the extraordinarily positive reader response to Po Bronson's What Should I Do With My Life?, people are aching for a sympathetic outlook on their stories of career dissatisfaction. They tend to be their own harshest critics, often riddled with self-doubt and embarrassment about not getting this "career thing" right.
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