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Financial Planning - Personal
Finanical planning involves being proactive about your financial future whether you are 18 years old or 70 years old. Here you can learn about things like planning for retirement, investment planning, and more.
Developing a family budget
By n a:
Get the family involved in your financial planning activities. Developing a family budget will help your children become aware of the planning required, for instance, to send them to university. Help your children become fiscally and financially accountable within your family. It's a great life lesson!
Planning For Retirement
By n a:
Some excellent tips for planning for your retirement in this article. Learn what to do first and learn the virtues of the 401(k).
Top Things To Know
By n a:
This article presents ten top things to know about personal financial budgets. Learn how to create a budget that works for you. Also learn to prepare yourself for typical budget hazards.
Introduction to Personal Finance
By n a:
This is four-part article on budgeting and investing including forum feedback and discussion. The information provided is first rate. And the advice is excellent.
Controlling Debt
By n a:
Controlling personal debt is a huge factor within personal finance planning. Learn the difference between good debt and bad debt. Read some great tips for controlling debt.
Setting Budget Priorities
By n a:
Learn how to set your spending priorities. This article will help you identify your financial plans and resolve any financial conflicts. Also included are some financial planning tips.
Put your student on a budget
By Adriane G. Berg:
College can be a great way to teach kids about spending. It may be the first time that they are truly on their own, handling money without parental supervision.
Master Household Strategic Planning
By Len Penzo:
Interesting take on how one can use strategic planning techniques to your household and financial planning.
Strategic planning: Planning for retirement
By Raymond Short:
Applying strategic planning techniques from business to your retirement plans is covered in this brief article. Financial security in retirement depends on proper advance planning.
Wealth Creation and Mortgage Planning - Two Great Tastes that Taste Great Together (Expert Info)
By Jeff Blovits:
This article discusses owning a home and how it factors into one's wealth creation. Admittedly the article gets confusing at times, but stick to it for some alternate ideas about how owning a home is an investment. Lots of food for thought within this article.
Financial Planning For Singles (Expert Information)
By David Twibell:
This article discusses three major areas of financial planning for single people. The three areas discussed are insurance, investments, and estate planning. You are provided with information about the various types of insurance and how beneficial each type can be for your life-style. Some tips for self-managing investments are included as well as specifics to think about for your estate planning.
Wealth Management, Wealth Protection, and Tax Planning (Expert Information)
By Wayne Walker:
This article recommends and explains the benefits of implementing an asset protection plan that integrates well with your estate plan. This article describes how offshore planning will increase the benefits of your asset protection plan. Also recommended are the services of a tax planner.
Turbocharged Financial Planning (free planning advice)
By C.C. Collins:
This article offers what seems to be a basic outline to personal/business financial planning, and at first glance it IS basic. But what I found is that many of the questions listed here were not those I had answers to
7 Power Habits that Build Financial Independence (Expert Information)
By Steven Brunkhorst:
If you are planning to become self-sufficient financially you can be influenced by the seven habits that this article encourages you to adopt. Expressing gratitude for your current blessings may sound not 'financial-like' in the least, but read on for more tangible advice and you'll want to adopt all of the seven habits so that you can start planning your financial independence now.
In a Time of Need (Expert Information)
By Kenneth Stephan:
This article addresses the need for Financial Advisors to be intimate with the five stages of grief to better serve clients recovering from the loss of a loved one. There are many areas of finances that need to be addressed such as insurance and dealing with the on-going financial needs of the family left behind. This article also stresses the need for the Financial Advisor to recognize their grieving client's emotional needs as well as their financial needs.
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