Top : Marketing and Sales Planning
Marketing and Sales Planning
Learn about how to develop exceptional marketing plans
The 10 Most Common Publicity Mistakes - Don't Sabotage Your Success!
By Bill Stoller:
If part of your marketing strategy is to seek publicity, then there are mistakes that can and should be avoided. Avoiding the mistakes included within will help your company get positive coverage.
Uncover a Hidden Goldmine in Your Business
By Stephanie Ward:
There are some great reasons for knowing certain information about your customers. This article discusses several of these reasons. Whether you are selling directly to end-consumers or selling to another business, listed within is the information you need to know about your customer to build your business.
What Marketing Can't Do for You
By Michell Pariza Wacek:
While there's no question a solid marketing program can increase your business, it can't fix everything. Here are five things marketing can't do for you.
8 Ways to Make Time for Marketing
By C.J. Hayden:
10 Components You Should Include in Your Marketing Plan
By Micheal Fleischner:
If you're thinking about developing a marketing program, you need to begin with a marketing plan. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be complicated in order to work. Here are the ten basic parts of a marketing plan.
Don't Sell Your Services; That's Not What People Buy
By Tessa Stowe:
Believe it or not, no one actually buys your service. No one buys coaching. No one buys consulting. No one buys financial planning. So what do people buy?
Achieve Marketing Success by Avoiding Marketing Mistakes
By Kevin Nunley:
A well-tuned marketing campaign is a beautiful thing. Your advertising not only connects with just the right prospects, but it seems everyone is talking about you, your product, or service. Sales come in at a nice pace. Profits mount as you quietly chuckle thinking how little you spent on marketing. Suddenly, moving your company forward doesn't seem hard at all.
Unfortunately, marketing rarely works that easily, at least at first
13 Best Marketing Tips for Small Businesses
By Jeffrey Dobkin:
I've been involved in marketing and direct marketing since - my God! Am I that old already? Anyhow, over the years I've been asked to give tips on marketing along with my specific advice. Here's a short list of some of my best tips.
Reasons Customers Buy
By Kevin Nunley:
Even though we aren't selfish or boasting people, many of us make the mistake of being selfish or boastful in our marketing. We tout our product or service, toot our own horn, and try to point out how great, wonderful, useful, and convenient our stuff is. This is all fine and good, and it often works, but have you ever stopped to wonder if you're catering to the real reasons customers buy?
An analysis of Internet Advertising and Online Advertising
By n/a:
An analysis of Internet Advertising and Online Advertising; Why Internet is an effective Branding and Advertising Tool?
This report is intended to gain an insight into Internet Advertising and Online Advertising Strategy. This report, even though old, was originally published by the research department at Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Equity Research, however, its content was never indexed by Google, meaning you could not find it by doing a search in Google under Internet Advertising or under any keywords.
How to Create Powerful Offers That Drive Your Sales through the Roof!
By Yanik Silver:
See how you can create powerful offers guaranteed to drive your sales through the roof. Learn more about using what the author calls the bonus pile on. Also learn how to make your prospects take immediate action and the benefits of offering a 100% guarantee.
Use Your Billing Process As A Marketing Tool
By Da vid X. Lamont:
If you invoice your customers, and those who receive your invoice are purchasing decision makers, you can promote your business at the same time for little or no cost. Furthermore, you are promoting to people who already trust you, and with whom you have an existing relationship.
How to Skyrocket Your Sales And Crush Your Competition
By Yanik Silver:
Over 70 years ago, one man had the answer to increasing almost any product's sales and literally crushing the competition.
His name? Claude Hopkins. And today his advice is even more valuable than it was during the 1920s.
If you read on, I'll share with you one of Hopkins' greatest secrets for attracting more business.
Advertising Secrets I Learned
By Karon Thackston:
The following article not only contains some great tips on improving your sales strategy, marketing strategy, and sales presentation skills, but it also reveals several important copywriting techniques that can help you write more effective sales letters, brochures, and ads
Top 10 Tips for Marketing a Small Business
By Kate Schultz:
Maximize your use of brochures, newsletters, word-of-mouth advertising and other small business marketing tools.
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