Top : Succession Planning
Succession Planning
Succession planning is the process of looking long term to ensure that executive and management positions are occupied by qualified people promoted from within, and that employees have avenues for promotion. Learn more about it here.
Are You Nurturing Your Successors?
By Dr. Terry J. van der Werff:
Will your company survive your departure? The answer depends almost entirely on how well you nurture your managers and on well they in turn nurture others . In a recent letter to the editor of Fortune magazine, fellow consultant Alan Weiss wrote: %u201CFondly remembered legacies don't lead companies. Flesh and blood leaders do.%u201D A poor leader can undo in months what an exceptional predecessor built over a decade! I couldn%u2019t agree more.
Prepare Your Own Succession
By Stever Robbins:
If 39 percent of family businesses passed to a second generation fail, why don't owners plan better for one of the most important events of their lives? In fact, most businesses woefully neglect the long term.
HR Daily Advisor : Succession Planning - Different Ballgame in 2012
By Steve Bruce:
A bit thin, but attacks the issue of whether succession planning now is different than for other times.
For Brokers: Succession Planning
A succession plan doesn't have to be elaborate, but it is crucial for small business owners to seamlessly transition their company upon retirement. Here are some tips for how to accomplish this
Planning Successful Successions
By Holly Hall:
Succession plans will enable a charity to find a qualified leaders when executives leave their jobs.
U.S. Federal Succession Planning
By n a:
Take a look at the recommended succession planning process used by the Federal Office of Personnel Management's Employment Service. You'll get ideas for your own succession planning process.
Choose Tomorrow's Leaders Today
By Robert M. Fulmer, Ph.D:
Pepperdine University's Graziadio Business Report offers best practices in succession planning based on a research study. Keep your succession process simple and rely on coaching and development are two best practices. Good company examples of succession planning practices are provided.
Succession Planning
By Susan M. Heathfield:
Succession planning is a process whereby an organization ensures that employees are recruited and developed to fill each key role within the company. Succession planning ensures you can fill key roles from within your organization.
Best Practices In Succession Planning
By Robert M. Fulmer, Ph.D:
Nice overview of succession planning from Australia's Human Resources Magazine. The article includes thoughts on best practices in succession planning, too.
What Is Succession Planning?
By Robert Bacal:
Succession planning is an important part of human resource planning. Here's a brief synopsis of what it is, and when it's usually used.
Art of Succession Planning
By Paul Shearstone:
Succession Planning is strategic, tactile and deliberate involving a clear understanding of how corporations need to change in lockstep with strategies designed to groom future leaders to meet the need. Successful 'Transitionists' understand Succession Planning is both an Art and a Science.
How to Lower the Risk in CEO Succession -- Ram Charan full-text article
By Ram Charan:
In today's world, there are no sure bets. But despite the inherent risks, CEOs and directors can improve the chances that the next CEO will succeed. A few simple guidelines can go a long way toward ensuring a good choice and a smooth leadership transition: first, specify the company's most crucial needs, second, broaden the field, and third, evaluate the candidates as total people. These recommendations are based on experience mostly with large businesses but apply to organizations of any size, including nonprofit organizations.
HR Magazine: Succession planning lags
By HR:
More than one-third (39 percent) of senior executives polled in a recent survey admitted they have no succession management plan in place for senior leadership positions.
Succession Planning for Your Business - 7 Key Benefits
By Martin Haworth:
A core activity in many successful businesses, Succession Planning is simple and quick to implement - here are seven reasons why you will find it of great value in your business or organisation. But, you need to lead - it works only as well as the support it gets!
Can Your Business Succeed Tomorrow?
By Robin Throckmorton:
Whether we are human resources professionals or business owners, we know what positions are critical to the organization and know we need to have a contingency plan or succession plan in place to minimize the impact of a loss. However, statistics show that less than 15% of businesses actually do have a plan. But why? Some of the most common answers I get to this question are: it takes too much time to create a succession plan for all our critical positions; the plan changes too often with our business needs; or how likely is it to really happen anyway?
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