Project Planning and Project Management Becoming A Profession of It's Own
Over the last decade or two, project management issues have spawned a perceived need for certificates and fairly intensive training in the entire process. It almost seems as if, in order to manage projects effectively, one needs to study the various tools available, and the concepts in depth.
That's not terribly helpful to people who are not professional project managers, but are subject experts who happen to be responsible and accountable for managing projects in their areas of expertise.
As Complexity Increases, So Do Demands On Project Managers
It's not surprising. We work with very complex systems, so any changes to them entail projects of immense complexity themselves. Where once a single programmer worked on a project one might now have many more who specialize in one aspect of the project. There are more people in project teams now, interacting with more complex systems.
A grasp of project management is becoming one of those "soon to be essentials" for anyone in a management position, or hoping to move up the organizational hierarchy.
In this section, you will find information on the process of planning and managing projects of various types, both small and large, including reference to various project tools.
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