Communication Style Dimension Affects How People Deal With Disagreement
The particular dimension of communication styles affects how individuals express disagreement and discuss conflicts with each other.
Intellectual Confrontation (Idea Oriented)
People with this style are comfortable expressing disagreement.
Any disagreement with ideas is stated directly, with the assumption that only the idea, not the relationship, is being attacked. This is an intellectual style found in some European countries. (We’re just arguing-don’t take it personally!)
Relational Confrontation (Person Oriented)
Relational issues and problems are confronted directly, while intellectual disagreement is handled more subtly and indirectly. If you have a problem with someone, it helps to talk things over, albeit in an non-confrontational manner. In an intellectual debate, it is important to be tread softly. (Be authentic about your feelings and respectful of other's ideas.)
Context Counts
As is the case with many "styles" it may be that people modify their methods of communicating disagreement depending on the person they are interacting with. The closer and more intimate and inter-dependent, the relationships, (e.g. a marriage), the more likely people will take criticism and disagreement as "personal".