Performance Management, Performance Appraisals and Employee Reviews
Over the years, I've had the honor of being asked to write a number of books on topics related to managing employee performance, conducting employee reviews and appraisals and improving both individual and organization performance.
I've also written a number of articles on the topic, and I'm happy to present them here in the hope that we can make performance management a process that adds value to all.
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- Seven Stupid Things Employees Do To Screw Up Performance Appraisal
Simple, short and to the point and part of our series on how employees, HR and managers "screw up performance appraisal". And, I might ad, a classic article that's been reprinted, along with the others in the series, HUNDREDS of times. - Seven Stupid Things HR Does TO Screw Up Performance Appraisal
Well, it's only fair, right. Employees, managers and HR have a hand in making performance appraisals work so let's get them all in the hopper. Actually, HR does a number of things that actually get in the way of having an effective performance management and improvement system. Again, classic. - Seven Stupid Things Managers Do To Screw Up Performance Appraisals
Moving right along to managers, and the mistakes they make with performance appraisals. Once again, a classic article. - Why Employee Ranking Systems Lead To Disaster
Popularized by Jack Welch at GE, employee ranking seems to be losing steam, and for good reasons. Legal challenges and poor logic make ranking and "rand and yank" dangerous to company and employee success. Kudos to Jack for seemingly making it work, but it had more to do with him than with the soundness of the "scheme". Don't try to emulate this, you will fail. - Why Rating Systems Don't Work For Employee Appraisal
Employee ratings fail on almost EVERY criterion you might apply. They are unfair, invalid, misleading, and almost always used incorrectly. You need to know this, since ratings are the most common method used in large companies to "evaluate" staff. - Why Improving Performance Management Systems Is So Difficult
Why is it that companies often revamp their performance management systems, only to end up with something a little different, but ultimately the same as the old system? - Diagnosing Performance Problems
Absolutely critical to improving both individual and organizational productivity. You can't fix things if you don't know what's "broke" and what is causing the problems. - Biases That Affect Manager's Evaluations of Staff
No appraisals of anything are objective, but there are some frequently found errors that occur when managers evaluate staff. - Five Sins Of Discipline
Discipline is about making a better future, and encouraging learning, but it's often misunderstood. Learn about what discipline REALLY means. - What IS The Point Of Performance Appraisal
Performance appraisal can't work if we don't know what the heck it's for and how to use it to achieve important outcomes. It's not rocket science but it's a bit more complex than you'd think. - Bidirectional Evaluation - You Evaluate The Boss, The Boss Evaluates You
What works well with staff evaluations is that there is communication going both ways. Not only is it a chance for employees to learn how they can be effective contributors, but it should also be a time when managers learn from employees about how THEY can clear away barriers to performance. Hence, the notion of bidirectional evaluation, bidirectional feedback. - Discipline & Performance
Problems Quick Tips
Some quick hints and tips about how managers and supervisors can deal with problem performance.