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You can make huge strides in improving your marriage or other relationships by altering what YOU say, and eliminating the 101 imperfect phrases.
The Other Part of The Relationship Communication Puzzle
Assuming you work hard to improve YOUR communication by eliminating ImPerfect phrases, the second part of the communication improvement process is to look at how you respond to destructive communication.
All relationships have some destructive communication no matter how solid the relationship is, so we all need to know how to respond to things said by our partners, in a way that doesn't throw gasoline on the fire. That's what we're looking at here.
We'll be building this section in an ongoing way, but here are the questions we'll be addressing:
- How do I respond to passive-aggressive statements and questions?
- What's the best way to respond to being told to "calm down", or "relax"?
- What should I say when my partner tries to minimize my emotions?
- Is there a good response to someone who says "You do this ALL the time"?
- What can I say back when my partner says: "I'm doing my best", but nothing changes?
- My partner tries to "win" every argument, even ones that aren't important. How can I deal with someone who seems to want to argue for arguments' sake?
- My child is always telling me that "everyone does it". How should I respond?
- My spouse is always throwing the past in my face. What can I say back?
- My mother says: "Why can't you be like your sister", and I don't know what to say. Is there some way to respond so there won't be an argument?
(coming soon)