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· Just leave it. If you aren’t going to do it properly, I’d rather do it myself.
· Just leave it. I’ll do it myself.
· Just leave it. I’d rather do it myself if you are going to make a huge fuss about it.
Yes, it’s one of those phrases where the damaging part sits at the end of it. If someone volunteers to help out with something, and you get frustrated and blurt out this phrase, what you are doing is actually DISCOURAGING them from volunteering for tasks in the future.
If you’ve requested someone accomplish a task, then tell them to leave it, then do it yourself, you are encouraging the person to refuse in future, or to avoid you.
Above all, whether you intend it to be so or not, it’s rejecting.
There’s something else that’s problematic. It suggests that if the other person screws up enough, or complains enough, he or she will get out of doing things they should be doing. That’s rewarding bad behavior.
Make It Better - What To Say Instead:
· I’d rather do it myself if it’s something you really don’t want to do.
· I need to have this done a certain way, so could you…
· If you have ideas about how this should be done, I’m open to them, but we need to get this done soon.