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Examples Of You're Just Like....(Mother, Brother, etc):
· You’re just like your mother.
· You’re just like MY mother.
· You’re just like...
People want to be recognized and understood as individuals, and don’t like to be compared unfavourably to someone else. Some people don’t want to be compared, period, particularly to parents.
Usually these phrases are used as a means of attack, so that’s what people hear. The base phrase “you’re just like”, mobilizes defences, making it harder for the other person to hear you without being caught up in negative emotions.
Make It Better:
In situations where you are complimenting the person, you might want to change the phrasing, to remove the “just like” part because it has some negative connotations.
· You remind me of Martin Luther King when you speak out strongly on issues.
· Did you get your skill at interior design from your mother? She’s also very good at it.
If you are trying to attack the other person (be honest with yourself), then don’t. Keep your mouth shut. Go for a walk. And never try to insult someone by saying he or she is just like one of their parents.