Imperfect Phrases For Relationships

101 COMMON Things You Should Never Say TO Someone Important To You...And What To Say Instead

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About The Author

Robert's books have sold over 300 thousand copies worldwide, and have been translated into Chinese, French, German and Japanese.

He holds a Masters Degree in Applied Psychology, and has taught clinical and counselling psychology at the college level.

You can browse his Amazon Author page by clicking the graphic above.


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· It’s all work out, don’t worry about it.

· You’ll do well, so don’t worry about it.

· You’ll be OK. Don’t worry about it.

 Explanation About Reassurence:

The context of the discussion will determine whether these phrases are constructive, or problematic. They CAN be used effectively.

In situations where a person is exceedingly upset about a situation beyond your control, offering reassurances can help, provided you do NOT lecture. However, your reassurances need to have some basis in reality.

The potential problem occurs in situations where you offer FALSE reassurance, and the person knows the reassurances are false. Then you appear to be dishonest, or just trying to get the other person to shut up.

 Make It Better:

Shift the focus to working together, and helping, and take care not to sound as if you are judging the person’s reactions. If you can explain HOW things will be OK, your reassurance becomes much more powerful (see last example below).

· Together we’ll be able to work this out, I promise.

· Take a look at all your career accomplishments. You’ve [insert examples]. You can’t help but do well in the job interview.

· You’ll be OK. WE will be OK, if we continue to work as a team.

· I know it’s worrisome to be in debt. Still, it’s only temporary, and we’ll come out of it if we spend less money. 

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